
Thursday, December 31, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.4


Out of Memory Error
While importing financial vouchers using the standard excel template, if there are more than 2000 ledgers in a single voucher then "Out of Memory" error is displayed and the udiMagic software halts.

This issue has been resolved now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.3

Template Modifications

1. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
This template now supports Sales with TCS under section 206C. Please refer the sample data given in the template relating to TCS.

2. Master-StockItemMaster.xls
This template now supports TCS. You can enable TCS for stock items using this template.

3. Vouchers-V11-Receipts-and-Payments-with-multiple-references.xls
New Field : PARENT GROUP. This is an optional field.

You can now specify the PARENT GROUP for the Party ledger. However, the Parent Group must be a pre-defined group or must exist in Tally ERP.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Max 65535 rows in XLS

XLS format files

Excel 2003 and earlier versions use the XLS format. In this format, the maximum number of rows supported are 65535. 

As the Standard templates provided with udiMagic Software are of XLS format, the maximum number of rows available are 65535 in Excel 2003 or lower versions. However, you can save the file as xlsx or xlsm or xlsb for more than 65535 rows as shown below.

XLSX format files

Excel 2007 supports XLSX format files in which the maximum number of available rows are 1048576.

1. If you want more than 65535 rows, then you must install or upgrade to Excel 2007 or higher version.
2. Next, open the udiMagic Standard template and then use the option Save As to save the file with extension XLSX or XLSM or XLSB.

Monday, August 24, 2020

IPv4 vs IPv6 loopback address

In this post, we shall see how to connect to Tally ERP.

Connect to Tally using a Browser
You can connect to Tally ERP 9 using any browser [Chrome, Firefox etc]

In the browser Address-bar, type the following :           [for IPv4 connectivity]
http://[::1]:9000               [for IPv6 connectivity]
http://localhost:9000           [Resolves to IPv4 or IPv6]

On Success, you will be able to see this message in the browser :
<RESPONSE>Tally.ERP 9 Server is Running</RESPONSE>

Connect to Tally using udiMagic

In the udiMagic Settings screen (or udimagic.ini file), specify the Tally IPAddress and Port Number.

Case 1 : IPv4 Address in udimagic.ini



Case 2 : IPv6 Address in udimagic.ini



Case 3 : Localhost name in udimagic.ini


After savings the udiMagic Settings (udimagic.ini file), click the "Test Tally Connection" icon or restart udiMagic Software to automatically connect to Tally ERP 9 / Tally Prime.

If you are using IPv6 loopback address, then you must use square brackets as shown above.

For Advanced Users
You can use netstat to check the Tally Port Number.

a. Start Windows PowerShell in admin mode
b. Type the following:
netstat -aon | Select-String -pattern ":9000"

Add the required Address (if missing)
netsh http add iplisten

Friday, August 14, 2020

udiMagic v7.0 support to be discontinued from 1st Sep 2020

udiMagic v7.0 (or lower versions) customers / users are requested to note that the support for udiMagic v7.0 shall be discontinued from 1st September 2020 and there shall be no product enhancements in udiMagic v7.0 thereafter.

Also, to avail technical support and / or product enhancements, users will have to subscribe / buy the udiMagic Subscription license.

Perpetual license users can continue to use udiMagic v7.0 even after 1st September 2020 in accordance with the licensing agreement, but no support or upgradation to latest version shall be available after the said date.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.2

Template Modifications

1. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
a. New Field : Currency Conversion factor. This is an optional field.
Example : 70.15/USD 
Syntax : BaseCurrency/ForeignCurrency

b. New Field : NoOfPackages (under section Additional details: Exports Taxable). This is an optional field
c. New Field : Marks (under section Additional details: Exports Taxable). This is an optional field

2. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Basic.xls
New Field : Currency Conversion factor. This is an optional field.

3. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
This format now supports ROW-WISE ledgers also. Previously, only Column-wise ledgers could be used in this format. Here's what it means :

COLUMN-WISE ledgers (Horizontal) 

​Sales 5%
Sales 18%100
PS: Previously, you had to specify each ledger in a separate column.

ROW-WISE ledgers (Vertical)

​Sales 5%
Sales 18%100
PS: Now, you can specify multiple ledgers in a single column.

4. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Basic.xls
This template now supports both ROW-WISE and COLUMN-WISE ledgers similar to the Advanced  template as mentioned in the previous point.

Message : Unable to save file

In some cases, when udiMagic is started, the aforesaid message appears in Tally ERP. This issue has now been resolved in udiMagic V11 R2.2.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

udiMagic Perpetual licensing changes

Shweta Softwares will stop the sale of perpetual licenses of udiMagic software from August 1st, 2020. The purchase of new licenses thereafter will only be available by subscription.

Q1. Does this affect existing software purchased under a perpetual license?
A1. No. Existing or new perpetual licenses purchased up to July 31st, 2020, remain valid.

Q2. Can I continue to use my perpetual license?
A2. Yes.  Customers having a perpetual software license and can continue to use it in accordance with their perpetual license agreement. The end-of-sale of perpetual licenses only impacts the ability to make new purchases of perpetual licenses.

Q3. Why is Shweta Softwares transitioning to subscription licenses?
A3. Subscription licenses offer a lower entry price and are available on pay-as-you-go model.

Friday, July 10, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.1

Template Modifications

1. Master-StockItemMaster.xls
a. If the group-name field is kept blank under the "Default Sales Ledger Allocation" section, then the default group is taken as "Sales Accounts"
b. If the group-name field is kept blank under the "Default Purchase Ledger Allocation" section, then the default group is  taken as "Purchase Accounts"

2. Vouchers-V11-Stock-Journal.xls
New fields / columns have been kept for specifying the "Additional Cost Ledger" details.

Other Fixes
1. Char 160 is replaced by char 32, but the new char 32 is inserted at the  wrong position. This has now been rectified.
2. udiMagic now supports VBA macro functions with upto 20 parameters. Earlier it was limited to 8 parameters.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.0

Template Fixes:


The price-level (Qtyfrom; Qty-less-than) columns were erroneously  removed in V11 R1.8. This has been fixed now.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 1.9

The following new features have been  incorporated in udiMagic v11 Release 1.9 :


1. Vouchers-V11-Financial-Transactions-Single-line-entry-Advanced.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Is-Cancelled (Marks the voucher as Cancelled. Default is No)
b.Is-Optional (Marks the voucher as Optional. Default is No)

2. Master-LedgerMaster.xls

The following new fields have been added (under section Bank details) :
a. Ref-Id (Column BW)
b.Transaction Type
c. Favouring Name
d. Set as Default


Number of udiMagic instances that can be started / opened in a single system :

udiMagic Multi-user : Supports max of 5 instances
udiMagic Single-User : Supports max 1 instance only

Friday, March 27, 2020

How to import data from excel into Tally on Remote Computer?

Tally on Cloud / Remote System

When Tally ERP is installed on a remote system, you may face certain challenges while importing excel data into Tally. This happens as ONLY the first instance of Tally is assigned the Port Number and other instances of Tally cannot communicate with external applications. To resolve this, you must change the Tally Port number again and again.

Here are some guidelines to import data into Tally installed on Cloud / Remote System:

1. Keep Separate Tally folders for each user

Install Tally in separate folders for each user. Example :

You must also specify the data path for each Tally installation. The data path must be the same if all users want to access the same data.

2. Tally Port Number Setting

Each user must set a unique Port Number using the option "Gateway of Tally || F12 [Advanced Configuration]"

Example :
Port Number : 9001 (for user of c:\Tally-UserA)
Port Number : 9002 (for user of c:\Tally-UserB)
Port Number : 9003 (for user of c:\Tally-UserC)

3. Separate udiMagic folders for each user

Install udiMagic in separate folders for each user. Example :

4. Port Setting in udiMagic

Each user must set the Port Number in udiMagic SETTINGS. The Port Number must be same as assigned to your Tally.

Example :
Port Number : 9001 (for user of c:\Tally-UserA)
Port Number : 9002 (for user of c:\Tally-UserB)
Port Number : 9003 (for user of c:\Tally-UserC)

Remote Excel to Tally - How it Works?
Now, when a userA starts Tally (from his folder c:\Tally-UserA), it runs on Port 9001 and when the user starts udiMagic (from c:\udiMagic-UserA), it connects to Tally on port 9001.

Similary, when userB starts Tally (from c:\Tally-UserB), it runs on port 9002. And when udiMagic is started (from c:\udiMagic-UserB), it connects to Tally on port 9002.


How many users can connect and import data into Tally?

udiMagic Single User -  One user only
udiMagic Multi User  - Five users only

What will be the upload / import speed ?

The upload speed will depend upon :
a. Existing data (Masters and Vouchers) in your Tally Company
b. Number of users uploading data in Tally.
c. System CPU speed and RAM

Can we import data in Tally when connected as Tally.NET Remote User?

Tally ERP 9 provides remote capabilities to access data from anywhere using the Tally NET feature. This enables you to remotely view Tally Reports or even create or modify entries depending upon the rights assigned to you by the administrator. However, the option "Gateway of Tally || Import data" is disabled when you log-in as Remote user using the Tally NET feature.

In simple words, you CANNOT import data into Tally ERP when logged in as a Remote user using the Tally NET feature.

Please refer the Point 15 at Tally Solutions website link given underneath :

Thursday, March 19, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 1.8

The following new features have been  incorporated in udiMagic v11 Release 1.8 :


1. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Advanced.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Item Description (Number of columns increased to 10 from 3)
b. Ledger Description (Number of columns increased to 10 from 3)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 1.7

The following new features have been  incorporated in udiMagic v11 Release 1.7 :


1. Vouchers-V11-Financial-Transactions-Advanced.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Tax Classification (Column L)

2. Vouchers-V11-Journal-with-multiple-references.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Tax Classification (for all ledgers)

a. You must first enable the "GST Applicable" option in the required Ledger-Masters.
b. The new column "Tax Class" overrides the GST Classification at the Voucher level only.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 1.6

The following new features have been  incorporated in udiMagic v11 Release 1.6 :


1. Vouchers-V11-Horizontal-Sales-Without-Stockitems.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Party Alias (Column I)
b. Invoice mode Yes or No (Column AD)

2. Vouchers-V11-Horizontal-Purchase-Without-Stockitems.xls

The following new fields have been added :
a. Party Alias (Column I)
b. Invoice mode Yes or No (Column AD)

a. When the Invoice mode is set to Yes, the transactions are imported as "As Invoice"
b. When the Invoice mode is set to No (default), the transactions are imported as "As Voucher"

Monday, January 20, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 1.5

The following new features have been  incorporated in udiMagic v11 Release 1.5:


1. Master-StockItemMaster.xls
The following new fields have been added :
a. Quantity From (for Price Level)
b. Quantity Less than (for Price Level)

In udiMagic Settings, if the default decimal places is changed and error appears "Access violation at address xxx". This issue has now been resolved.

Teamviewer QuickSupport version 13 is now included with udiMagic Software

  • When you run Teamviewer QuickSupport, it automatically generates a Service Case ID (like a ticket) and notifies the Shweta Softwares Support Team. 
  • You can additionally specify the "Description" about your query so that the support team knows about your query and can assist accordingly at the earliest.
  • Remote assistance is available during office hours on working days. 
  • The response time may vary depending upon the queries in the queue.
  • You may additionally create a ticket using the Support Desk ticket system.