
Friday, September 22, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 2.4

 udiMagic v12 r2.4

1. Changes in Template: Vouchers-V12-Financial-Transactions-Basic.xls
Added columns for 'Cost Category' and 'Cost Centre'

2. New Feature: Warn if Multiple Tally Instances are Running
Description: When enabled in Settings, a warning message is displayed if two or more instances of Tally are running.

udiMagic v12 r2.3/2.2/21/2.0/1.9

- Added button 'Get Tally Serial' in the Licensing wizard.
- The "Undo feature" is now enabled by default.
- Added "New Signup" button in the licensing wizard.

udiMagic v12 r2.0

Changes in Template: Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls 
Added columns for EInvoice viz:

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.8

udiMagic v12 r1.8

The following templates have been updated for compatibility for Tally Prime Release 3.0 :

1. Master-LedgerMaster

Description: Address does NOT get updated in Tally Prime 3.0
Solution: This issue has been fixed now

udiMagic v12 r1.7

2. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced

Description: Sales entries do NOT appear in GSTR1 when we use "Other ledgers before taxes".
Solution: This issue has been fixed now

Problem Description: E-Commerce entries do NOT appear correctly in GSTR1.
Solution: Added a new column for ISCOMMONPARTY. This field must be set to Yes in case of ECommerce entries. 

3. Vouchers-V11-Financial-Transactions-Single-line-entry-Advanced

Description: Formula Error appears while importing data.
Solution: This issue has been now resolved.

udiMagic v12 r1.6

4. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced

Changes: Added column for PARTYADDRESSTYPE

Thursday, July 6, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.5

  udiMagic v12 r1.5

The following templates have been updated for compatibility for Tally Prime Release 3.0 :

1. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced
2. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Basic

Problem description

When Multiple Party Addresses feature is enabled in Tally Prime 3.0, the Purchase entries imported using udiMagic software appear under section "Uncertain Transactions" in GSTR-3B. 

Error Description : Mismatch in GST Registration details between the Party and the Transaction.

The aforesaid issue has now been resolved.

Friday, June 30, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.4

 udiMagic v12 r1.4

The following templates have been updated for compatibility for Tally Prime Release 3.0 :

1. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Basic

a. Added column - State-Name [Column AG]
b. Added column - GST Regn Name [Column AH]
c. Added column - GSTIN [Column AI]
d. Added column - GST Regn Type [Column AJ]
e. Changes relating to Tally Prime 3.0

2. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Advanced

a. Added column - State-Name [Column AG]
b. Added column - GST Regn Name [Column AH]
c. Added column - GSTIN [Column AI]
d. Added column - GST Regn Type [Column AJ]
e. Changes relating to Tally Prime 3.0

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.3

udiMagic v12 r1.3

The following templates have been updated for compatibility for Tally Prime Release 3.0 :

1. Vouchers-V12-Horizontal-Sales-Without-Stockitems

a. Added column - Country [Column L]
b. Added column - Place of Supply [Column O]
c. Changes relating to Tally Prime 3.0

2. Vouchers-V12-Horizontal-Purchase-Without-Stockitems

a. Added column - Country [Column L]
b. Added column - Place of Supply [Column O]
c. Changes relating to Tally Prime 3.0

3. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced
a. Fixes : Cess based on Qty does not get imported.

4. Master-StockItemMaster
a. Fixes : Cess based on Qty does not get imported.


Monday, June 19, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.2

 udiMagic v12 r1.2

The following templates have been updated for compatibility for Tally Prime Release 3.0 :


1. Added column - Country [Column L]
2. Added column - Place of Supply [Column M]
3. Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0


1.  Added column - Place Of Supply [Column M]
2.  Added column - Country [Column AK]
3. Added column - HSN Code [Column FL]
4. Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0


1.  Added column - Alias [Column I]
2.  Added column - Country [Column L]
3.  Added column - Place of Supply [Column O]
4.  Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0

1.  Added column - Country [Column L]
2.  Added column - Place of Supply [Column O]
3. Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0

1. Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0

1. Changes relating to Tally Prime Release 3.0

udiMagic v12 r1.1

Updated the DATEs in the Excel sheet for 2023-24

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

udiMagic v12 Release 1.0

udiMagic v12 r1.0

Fixes : Tally Prime Edit Log Related Issue

Problem description

The Sales Register Monthly Summary (or Purchase Register Monthly summary) displays the AMOUNT, but when we drill down to view the details, no entries are shown.

This issue has been described here: Bug in Tally Prime


The aforesaid issue has been resolved in udiMagic v12 Release 1.0

udiMagic v11 r4.8

The aforesaid issue has been updated in udiMagic v11 Release 4.8 also.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

udiMagic v11 Release 4.7

 udiMagic v11 r4.7

Fixes : Invalid Pointer error

After importing data in Tally, when we open another Company in Tally and then reimport data into it, an error 'Invalid Pointer' message appears. This has been rectified now.

udiMagic v11 r4.6

Changes in Excel template

Template Name: Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls

Added the following New columns :

  • IsIneligibleForInputCredit (Column FJ)
  • IsReverseChargeApplicable (Column FK)

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Macro assigned to buttons get removed automatically on reopening Excel file

 Please refer this link wherein the same issue has been discussed: 

Link (copy/paste in browser)

From the aforesaid, we understand that you may have to add the ONLINE ONE-DRIVE location to "Trusted locations".


  1. Start Excel. 
  2. File >> Options >> Trust Center >> Trust Center Settings >> Trusted Locations >> Add new location >> "Add the ONE-DRIVE folder"
  3. Also, check the option "Allow Trusted locations on my network (not recommended)" as suggested in the aforesaid link.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

udiMagic v11 Release 4.5

 udiMagic v11 r4.5

Changes in Excel template

Template Name: Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
Modifications: Added new column Party Alias (Column I)

udiMagic v11 r4.4

MySQL to Tally

  • Date format changed to yyyymmdd for MySQL to Tally.
  • FromDate And ToDate can now be specified in the udiMagic screen itself and the same will be substituted in the query automatically.

udiMagic v11 r4.3

MySQL to Tally 

File : MySQL-GST-Sales.xml
Bug: Even though GSTIN is not specified, the GSTTYPE appears as Registered. This has been fixed now.

Changes in Standard template

Template Name: Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
Modifications: TCS amount is now rounded to 2 decimals instead of 0.

udiMagic v11 r4.2 and r4.1

Bug: Disable SSL option not working. Now rectified.
Affected Releases : v11 r4.1

Monday, January 16, 2023

udiMagic v11 Release 4.0

udiMagic v11 r4.0

Fixes: Character 60 incorrectly removed from XML data when preceded by space. This bug has been now fixed in v11 r4.0.

Affected Releases: v11 r3.7 and v11 r3.8
Fixed in Release : v11 r4.0

For Internal Reference
Changed \x2060 to \x{2060}

udiMagic v11 r3.9

Auto refresh license information when license is renewed.