
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tally ERP 9 Release 2.0 - No Entries in Voucher

Voucher -Financial transactions.xls
In case if you get the aforesaid error while importing data from Excel into Tally using UDI-Magic, check for the XML tags and replace the tag LEDGERENTRIES.LIST with ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST .

If you are unable to do it, please contact us.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Unable to Fetch Tally Data, Quitting Application

This post is applicable for users of Single user Tally only

If you are using Single User Tally and if you get the above error message while importing data into Tally using UDI-Magic, then follow the underneath steps :-

1) Select "Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services"
2) Next, search/select "Tally License Server".
3) Right-click on it and select "Properties".
4) If the service is "Started", then click on the STOP button.
5) Next, change the "Startup Type" to  Disabled.
6) Click on "Apply" and then OK
7) Restart Tally and open your Company
8) Restart UDI-Magic and try importing data into Tally

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

UDIMagic FreeEdition

While retrieving Group Masters data from Tally, an invalid XML character is returned by Tally Software i.e. 

This resulted into an error while processing the same.

UDIMagic FreeEdition v1.0 Release 2.5 now ignores this character.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Upload Status of each Record

UDIMagic v3.0 Release 2.4 now provides facility to view the upload status of each record (Log Status). This is useful in finding the duplicate records or records with error, particularly while uploading of Master-records into the Tally Software.

By default, the Upload Status is shown in the last two Column(s) of the Excel sheet as given  below :-

Column IU (i.e. Column No 255 of Excel sheet)

Column IV  (i.e. Column No 256 of Excel sheet) 
Contains the Error description, if any.

1) You can change the Column in which the Upload Status appears by setting the following option in the "c:\udi-magic\udimagic.ini" file

;;This will show the upload status in Col. Y (and error description in Col. Z)
;;The option "UploadStatusInColumnNumber" must appear under [UDI-Magic] section
;;The lines starting with ;; are comments and will be ignored

2) In case, if macros are used, the Columns AA to BZ are used for internal calculations. Hence, you must specify Columns other than those.