
Saturday, September 30, 2017

udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.3

Excel to Tally templates
Applicable to : udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.3

TEMPLATEs  (Modifications)

The following new fields/features have been added in this template :

1. Group Names
This allows you to specify the Group/parent Name for Party Ledgers, Sales/Purchase and Taxes ledgers; and StockItems. The default values are :

Party Ledgers : Default group is Sundry Debtors (or Sundry Creditors)
Sales Ledgers : Default group is Sales Accounts
Purchase Ledgers : Default group is Purchase Accounts
Tax Ledgers : Default group is Duties & Taxes
StockItems : There is no default StockGroup (i.e. it is kept empty)

2. Tax Classification details (Override at Voucher level)
This feature allows you to specify / override the Tax-type and Tax-rates at the Voucher-level.

a. Tally ERP 9 allows you to define / specify the tax rates at different levels viz Ledger level; StockItem level; Company level etc.
b. If you are using Sales / Purchase with Inventory, then it is advised that you specify the tax-rates at the StockItem level.
c. If you are using Sales / Purchase without Inventory, then the tax-rates must be specified at the ledger level.
d. You can override the tax-type; tax-rate; taxable amount at the Voucher level using this feature.

3. Voucher Class
A new column has been kept to specify the Voucher class.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.2

Bugs Fixed

1. Error : "Voucher totals do not match"

Applicable to (Template-Names)

Cause of Error
The aforesaid error occurs when Freight / Courier / shipping charges ledger is specified in Sales Invoice which has different tax-rate from the tax-rate applicable to the Stockitems in that Sales Invoice,

The aforesaid bug has been rectified and the revised templates are available in udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.2

How to add Freight, Courier, Service charges along with StockItems in Sales Invoice in Tally ERP?

You can download (all latest templates for udi-Magic v8.0) the zip file from this link :

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Duplicate States in B2C (Small) Invoices in GSTR-1 in Tally ERP

Recently, we noticed that the GSTR-1 report displays duplicate State names in the table B2C (Small) Invoices. Here's a screen snapshot of it.

The aforesaid problem occurs when Sales data is imported using udi-Magic Software wherein the State Name is specified in mixed letters. Example: GUJARAT, Gujarat, gujarat.

This problem has been rectified in the udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.1

Templates Modified
The following templates have been modified :

Important Note
Though it is not yet confirmed by Tally Solutions-Bangalore, this problem prima facie, looks likes a bug in the GST Reports (as Tally ERP is not case sensitive).

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Template modifications

Excel to Tally templates
Applicable to : udi-Magic v8.0 Release 3.0
Description : Compatible with Tally ERP 9 Release 6.1 - Original Sales details not specified error rectified

TEMPLATEs  (Modifications)

1. Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase.xls
The following new fields/features have been added in this template :

a. URD-ORIGINAL-SALE-VALUE (under Additional GST details for Credit / Debit Notes)
b. If the Party GSTIN is NOT specified, then the GST Registration type (in Tally) is set as Unregistered (instead of empty)

2. Master-StockItemMaster.xls
The following new fields/features have been added in this template :

a. Price levels (upto 10 price levels)

You can now upload Price levels using the Masters-StockItem sheet itself. However, the Price-levels must exist in Tally and are NOT created automatically.

3. The following templates include facility to hide / show columns and are now protected (no password required to unprotect) :

a. Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase.xls
b. Masters-StockItemMasters.xls
b. Masters-LedgerMaster.xls

You must enable Macros to hide / show columns in the aforesaid templates

TEMPLATEs  (removed)

1. Master-V6-StockItem-Multiple-price-levels.xls
2. Vouchers-Flipkart-Receipts-and-Journal.xls

Though these template are discontinued, they are still available within the sub-folder named "templates-discontinued".

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Template modifications

Excel to Tally templates
Applicable to : udi-Magic v8.0 Release 2.9
Description : Compatible with Tally ERP 9 Release 6.1

TEMPLATEs  (Modifications)

1. Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase.xls
The following new fields/features have been added in this template :

Additional GST details (Nature of Return for Debit/Credit Notes)
a. Nature of Return
b. Supplier's Debit/Credit Note No
c. Date
Buyer details
a. State
b. Place of Supply
c. GST Regn Type
Other Settings
a. IsCancelled
b. IsOptional
Overwrite/Update existing Masters (Warning : May result in data loss)
a. Update StockItem Masters

The template Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase.xls contains macros. You must enable macros to hide / show the columns using the EnableDisableFeatures sheet.

2. Master-UnitMaster.xls
The following new fields/features have been added in this template :
a. Decimal Places
b. UQC (Unit Quantity Code)

3. Master-LedgerMaster.xls
a. Re-grouping of fields/columns
b. Hide or Show fields/columns

4. Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase-Basic.xls  &  Vouchers-V8-Sales-Purchase.xls
To specify Freight or other ledger(s) before Taxes :
   - Keep the Item-Name and PartNo empty/blank;
   - Specify the Amount; and the Sale/Purchase LedgerName
   - Refer sample data in the aforesaid templates

You can download (all latest templates for udi-Magic v8.0) the zip file from this link :