
Monday, August 24, 2020

IPv4 vs IPv6 loopback address

In this post, we shall see how to connect to Tally ERP.

Connect to Tally using a Browser
You can connect to Tally ERP 9 using any browser [Chrome, Firefox etc]

In the browser Address-bar, type the following :           [for IPv4 connectivity]
http://[::1]:9000               [for IPv6 connectivity]
http://localhost:9000           [Resolves to IPv4 or IPv6]

On Success, you will be able to see this message in the browser :
<RESPONSE>Tally.ERP 9 Server is Running</RESPONSE>

Connect to Tally using udiMagic

In the udiMagic Settings screen (or udimagic.ini file), specify the Tally IPAddress and Port Number.

Case 1 : IPv4 Address in udimagic.ini



Case 2 : IPv6 Address in udimagic.ini



Case 3 : Localhost name in udimagic.ini


After savings the udiMagic Settings (udimagic.ini file), click the "Test Tally Connection" icon or restart udiMagic Software to automatically connect to Tally ERP 9 / Tally Prime.

If you are using IPv6 loopback address, then you must use square brackets as shown above.

For Advanced Users
You can use netstat to check the Tally Port Number.

a. Start Windows PowerShell in admin mode
b. Type the following:
netstat -aon | Select-String -pattern ":9000"

Add the required Address (if missing)
netsh http add iplisten

Friday, August 14, 2020

udiMagic v7.0 support to be discontinued from 1st Sep 2020

udiMagic v7.0 (or lower versions) customers / users are requested to note that the support for udiMagic v7.0 shall be discontinued from 1st September 2020 and there shall be no product enhancements in udiMagic v7.0 thereafter.

Also, to avail technical support and / or product enhancements, users will have to subscribe / buy the udiMagic Subscription license.

Perpetual license users can continue to use udiMagic v7.0 even after 1st September 2020 in accordance with the licensing agreement, but no support or upgradation to latest version shall be available after the said date.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

udiMagic v11 Release 2.2

Template Modifications

1. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
a. New Field : Currency Conversion factor. This is an optional field.
Example : 70.15/USD 
Syntax : BaseCurrency/ForeignCurrency

b. New Field : NoOfPackages (under section Additional details: Exports Taxable). This is an optional field
c. New Field : Marks (under section Additional details: Exports Taxable). This is an optional field

2. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Basic.xls
New Field : Currency Conversion factor. This is an optional field.

3. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Advanced.xls
This format now supports ROW-WISE ledgers also. Previously, only Column-wise ledgers could be used in this format. Here's what it means :

COLUMN-WISE ledgers (Horizontal) 

​Sales 5%
Sales 18%100
PS: Previously, you had to specify each ledger in a separate column.

ROW-WISE ledgers (Vertical)

​Sales 5%
Sales 18%100
PS: Now, you can specify multiple ledgers in a single column.

4. Vouchers-V11-Sales-Purchase-Without-Stockitems-Basic.xls
This template now supports both ROW-WISE and COLUMN-WISE ledgers similar to the Advanced  template as mentioned in the previous point.

Message : Unable to save file

In some cases, when udiMagic is started, the aforesaid message appears in Tally ERP. This issue has now been resolved in udiMagic V11 R2.2.