
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Multiple Price Levels in Tally ERP

UDIMagic v6.0 Release 2.1 supports creation of "n" number of Price Levels. This can be done using the template named "Master-V6-StockItem-Multiple-price-levels.xls"

There is no limitation on the number of price levels that can be created. You can use all the Columns in the Excel sheet (if required).

Works with Tally ERP 9 Release 1.0 and higher versions.

a) UDIMagic v6.0 Release 2.1 automatically creates the Price levels and sets / updates the prices in Stock Item Master. There is no need to manually create Price Levels in Tally using "F11 >> Inventory Features >> Use Multiple Price Levels". 

b) In the older versions of UDIMagic, the Price levels had to be created manually in Tally Software using "F11 >> Inventory Features >> Use Multiple Price Levels"

c) The Excel template "Master-V6-StockItem-Multiple-price-levels.xls" gets created in the "c:\udi-magic"  when you install the UDIMagic v6.0 Release 2.1

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Undo entries, Mark as Optional, Cancelled

UDIMagic v6.0 Release 1.7 comes with the facility to UNDO entries. (i.e. to delete the entries that you had imported earlier). And this can be done anytime, even after few days or months.

UNDO Entries
1) Start UDIMagic Sofware and select the Excel sheet which you had imported earlier and now wish to Undo.
2) Next, click on the "View/set additional options" button which is next to the Start button as shown underneath :-

3) Select / check the "Undo entries" option as shown underneath :

4) Click on the "Start" / "Reimport" button a shown underneath :

The above will undo / delete the entries.

i) To undo entries, you must select the same Excel sheet from which you had imported data earlier.
ii) The steps to "Undo Entries" are same as we do for importing data. The only difference is you select  the "Undo entries" option before clicking on the "Start" button.

Mark as OPTIONAL (for Vouchers only)

UDIMagic now allows you to import Vouchers marked as "Optional". Vouchers imported with "Mark as Optional" set, will not be shown in the Financial reports viz Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, PL etc.

Mark as CANCELLED (for Vouchers only)

UDIMagic now allows you to import Vouchers marked as "Cancelled".


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

UDIMagic on Remote Desktop

Can I use UDIMagic Software on Remote Desktop ?


UDIMagic uses Excel OLE Automation and hence must not be used on a Remote Desktop wherein :-

a) Multiple users work simultaneously on UDIMagic
b) Multiple users work simultaneously on Excel

Friday, November 7, 2014

Import data into a specific Company in Tally

How do I specify/hard-code/fix the CompanyName in which data is to be uploaded from Excel to Tally ?

There are three alternatives to specify the Company in which data is to be uploaded in Tally ERP Accounting Software.

You can use the COMPANYNAME tag in the XML tags to specify the CompanyName. Ex:

.... other tags

2) COMPANYNAME attribute in XML
You can use the COMPANYNAME attribute in the XML tags. Ex:

.... other tags

3) COMPANYNAME in UDIMagic.ini (configuration) file
You can specify the Company Name in "c:\udi-magic\udimagic.ini" file as shown below:-

CompanyName=ABC Company

a) The aforesaid alternatives are given in accordance to their precedence. i.e.
>> 1st precedence is COMPANYNAME tag in XML
>> 2nd precedence is COMPANYNAME attribute in XML
>> 3rd precedence is COMPANYNAME in "udimagic.ini" file

b) You can import data into multiple Companies by using the COMPANYNAME tag. Ex:
<COMPANYNAME COLUMNREFERENCE="D"/> picks up the CompanyName from Column D in the Excel sheet

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Understanding new features in v6.0

Show the Upload status (individually for each record) in Excel

When you enable this feature, the Upload status (Yes or No) is set for each row in the Original Excel sheet.

What does the Upload Status mean ?
Yes  - Record is successfully uploaded into Tally
No -  Record is NOT uploaded into Tally

What is the benefit / use of this feature ?
a) You can easily identify the records with errors (if any), and correct those records.
b) When you re-import the data, the records with Upload Status as "No" (i.e. which were not imported earlier) are processed and uploaded into Tally.

This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it using the "Settings" button in UDIMagic.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Get Tally Ledger list in MS-Excel

Global Help List | Get Tally Ledgers in Excel

This feature allows you to get the Tally Ledger list in MS-Excel by pressing ~ (tilde key)

You can activate or deactivate the Global Help List feature using the "Settings" button in udiMagic. By default, it is disabled.

The "Global Help List" feature provides a Help-list directly in MS-Excel or Word by simply pressing ~ (tilde key). It is useful in entering Ledgers; Stockitem-names in Excel or Word.

Using the Global Help List
Step 1 : Start udiMagic
Step 2 : Start MS-Excel or Word
Step 3 : Press ~    (i.e. tilde key without shift)

This will bring forth the UDIMagic screen with Ledger Masters for the currently selected Company in Tally as shown below :-

Step 4 : Type-in the Ledger Name and press enter-key to return to MS-Excel.

You can click the Plus (+) button  next to the text-box to select any other Master or type in any SQL SELECT Statement.

Example of SQL SELECT statements
a) To get list of Cost Centre Masters (ensure that you type COSTCENTRES and not COSTCENTRE)

b) To get list of Cost Categories

c) To get list of Ledger Names and Aliases

d) To get list of Ledgers under group Sundry Debtors and its sub-groups

e) To get list of Ledgers under group Sundry Debtors only

f) To get StockItem Names

g) To get StockItem Name and Part Number

Thursday, October 16, 2014


We are pleased to announce the launch of UDIMagic v6.0. The details are as under :-

UDIMagic v6.0 is now more Faster
In-memory computing, a new technique is now used that makes processing and uploading of records into Tally much faster. For your reference, here are the results of uploading a sample Excel  Sheet with 5200 Voucher records using different versions of UDIMagic :
Time to upload (5200 Voucher records)
UDIMagic v3.0
50 min 40 secs
UDIMagic v4.0
4 min 33 secs
Bulk record processing feature introduced
UDIMagic v5.0
3 min 10 secs
Minor modifications
UDIMagic v6.0
1 min 11 secs
In-Memory Computing feature introduced

a) We uploaded the same Excel file  (5200 vouchers) into Tally using different versions of UDIMagic.
b) System: Dell i3; 4 GB Ram, 1.80 GHz; Windows 8.1 64 bit
c) UDIMagic v6.0 took 97.66 % lesser time to upload data compared to UDIMagic v3.0 (i.e. v6.0 took 1 min 11 sec whereas v3.0  took 50 min 40 sec)

Update status for each record
While uploading Excel data into Tally, the Upload-STATUS (i.e. created; altered; error) is set against each record in Excel sheet. This enables you to identify the records which have not been uploaded or view the error if any. By default, this feature is disabled. Note: When this feature is enabled, one record is uploaded into Tally at a time.

Global Help for Ledger and other Masters
To use this feature, you must enable "Global Help-list for Ledger/other Masters" from the UDIMagic Settings. Once enabled, you can press ~ (tilde key without shift) to view / activate help list for Ledger or other Masters from Excel or Word. This feature is enabled by default.

UNDO entries Anytime (updated on 2014-12-08)
UDIMagic now allows you to undo entries (i.e. delete entries that you imported earlier). And this can be done anytime. i.e. even after a month or year. For details, refer UNDO entries

UDIMagic on USB Flash/Pen drive (updated on 2015-01-24)
You can now activate UDIMagic Software on a USB Flash/Pen drive and use it on any ONE Computer with any Tally Software/Serial (Tally 6.3 or higher). For details, refer FAQs

Upgradation charges (dt. 9th Feb 2015)
Version details
v3.0 to v6.0 (Single user)
Rs 2000
Rs 2800
Rs 7500
v4.0 to v6.0 (Single user)
Rs 1500
Rs 2100
Rs 4500
v5.0 to v6.0 (Single user)
Rs 1000
Rs 1400
Rs 2500

a) The above charges are for Single-User version. For Multi-user version, the charges will be 2.5 times that of the Single-user charges as shown above.
b) Customers who have purchased UDIMagic v6.0 on or after 16/07/2014 shall be provided upgrades free-of-charge.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Excel #N/A error

While working in Excel, have you ever encountered  #N/A or #REF! or #VALUE! or any other error starting with # ?

Here's a good article that provide details on why such errors appear in Excel.

You must remove all such errors from your Excel data before trying to import data into Tally.

Friday, May 9, 2014

MySQL - Couldn't open database

Couldn't open database - Error appears while connecting to MySQL

While using UDIMagic to transfer MySQL data into Tally, if you get the aforesaid error, you must follow the underneath steps :

1. You must create a new user in MySQL using the following command :
create user 'udimagic'@'localhost';

2. Set the password for the User created above :
set password for 'udimagic'@'localhost' = old_password('udimagic2');

3. Grant access to the user for your database (assuming the database name is tally) :
grant all on tally.* to 'udimagic'@'localhost'

Next, in the UDIMagic Software select :

>> Advanced Usage
>> Database type = "MySQL"
>> Next, click on the "Settings" button and specify the user-name and pwd as follows :
user-name = udimagic
pwd = udimagic2
>> Next, click the "Test Server connection" button to connect to MySQL database.

No cash or bank ledger specified - Error in Tally

Applies to : Tally ERP 9

Steps to Reproduce the error

(1) Create a group named "My Bank Accounts" under Primary; Nature Of Group: Liabilities
(2) Next, create a ledger named "Axis" under the group "My Bank Accounts"
(3) Next, create a payment voucher as show below :

Rs 500-Dr-------Petrol Expenses
Rs 500-Cr-------Axis

Tally does not allow you to save the payment voucher and a message "No cash or bank ledger credited" is displayed.

(4) Next, change / modify the ledger named "Axis" and set its parent / group as "Bank Accounts"
(5) Again, try creating a payment voucher as mentioned in point 3.

Still, you are not allowed to save the payment voucher and the same error message is displayed. This happens inspite of fact that we had modified the ledger "Axis" with correct group.

Solution suggested by Tally Solutions, Bangalore

In Gateway of Tally, press Ctrl+Alt+R. Select your Company and re-write the data. After this, the payment voucher can be entered/posted.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update StockItem Master details


Here's a sample Excel template which allows you to :

A. Change/update the StockItem Name in Tally
B. Change/update the Opening Balance; Rate; Amount

Download template to Update StockItem Master

The above template is to be used only for updating StockItem Master in Tally. If the StockItem does not exist in Tally, an error is thrown.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tally ERP 9 Release 4.8

Readers are requested to take note of the following statement which is published by Tally Solutions, Bangalore in the Tally ERP 9 Release 4.8 Release Notes.

Section 1.1 (General enhancements)

"Additionally, voucher data from a lower release (XML format) cannot be imported into Release 4.8 or vice versa".