
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

VBA Load Error

If you are using macros (VBA code) with UDIMagic, you may get the above error-message if you are using Office 2003 or above.

Here's how you can solve this issue:-

For Excel 2003
(a) Start MS-Excel
(b) Select option “Tools -> Macros ->Security”
(c) In the Security Window choose the “Trusted Publisher Tab“
(d) Click "Trust Access to Visual basic Project" and enable it.
(e) Click OK.
(f) Close MS-Excel

For Excel 2007
(a) Start MS-Excel
(b) Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options.
(c) Click Trust Center.
(d) Click Trust Center Settings.
(e) Click Macro Settings.
(f) Click to select the Trust access to the VBA project object model check box.
(g) Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.
(h) Close MS-Excel

For Excel 2010
(a) Start MS-Excel
(b) Select option "File > Help > Options"
(c) Click Trust Center.
(d) Click Trust Center Settings.
(e) Click Macro Settings.
(f) Click to select the Trust access to the VBA project object model check box.
(g) Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.
(h) Close MS-Excel

This is to be done once only. No need to open any Excel sheet. Just start MS-Excel and change the settings as mentioned above.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Importing Standard Cost / Price data into Tally ERP 9 - Part II

This is further to my post titled Importing Standard Cost / Price data into Tally ERP 9

If you face problems (like existing Standard Price/Cost details get overwritten), then use the following tags :-

...RATE tag...
...DATE tag...

Or write to us at

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Internet Explorer Work Offline mode

If the Work Offline mode is selected in Internet Explorer (See "File -> Work Offline" in IE), then the system enters a Global offline state. As a result, UDI-Magic cannot to Tally Software.

Start IE and uncheck the option "File -> Work Offline" (remove tick). Next, retry using UDI-Magic to connect to Tally. If problems persists, write to

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Move Columns in Excel using VBA

Here's a sample VBA code that can be used to move data from Column AA in the Excel sheet to Column C.

    'Move column AB to C
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Excel 2007 - Error 800A03EC

In case, if you are using Excel 2007 and get the Ole Error 800A03EC while importing data into Tally using UDIMagic, then it is likely that VBA is NOT installed in your system.

VBA macros in 2007
Up to Excel 2007 you didn't need to install the Visual Basic Editor if you wanted to develop or run macros (VBA procedures). In Excel 2007 you must specify that VBA be installed when you install Excel from the Office CD. See how to install Visual Basic for Application for Excel 2007

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tally ERP 9 Release 2.0 - No Entries in Voucher

Voucher -Financial transactions.xls
In case if you get the aforesaid error while importing data from Excel into Tally using UDI-Magic, check for the XML tags and replace the tag LEDGERENTRIES.LIST with ALLLEDGERENTRIES.LIST .

If you are unable to do it, please contact us.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Unable to Fetch Tally Data, Quitting Application

This post is applicable for users of Single user Tally only

If you are using Single User Tally and if you get the above error message while importing data into Tally using UDI-Magic, then follow the underneath steps :-

1) Select "Start >> Settings >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services"
2) Next, search/select "Tally License Server".
3) Right-click on it and select "Properties".
4) If the service is "Started", then click on the STOP button.
5) Next, change the "Startup Type" to  Disabled.
6) Click on "Apply" and then OK
7) Restart Tally and open your Company
8) Restart UDI-Magic and try importing data into Tally

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

UDIMagic FreeEdition

While retrieving Group Masters data from Tally, an invalid XML character is returned by Tally Software i.e. &#4;

This resulted into an error while processing the same.

UDIMagic FreeEdition v1.0 Release 2.5 now ignores this character.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Upload Status of each Record

UDIMagic v3.0 Release 2.4 now provides facility to view the upload status of each record (Log Status). This is useful in finding the duplicate records or records with error, particularly while uploading of Master-records into the Tally Software.

By default, the Upload Status is shown in the last two Column(s) of the Excel sheet as given  below :-

Column IU (i.e. Column No 255 of Excel sheet)

Column IV  (i.e. Column No 256 of Excel sheet) 
Contains the Error description, if any.

1) You can change the Column in which the Upload Status appears by setting the following option in the "c:\udi-magic\udimagic.ini" file

;;This will show the upload status in Col. Y (and error description in Col. Z)
;;The option "UploadStatusInColumnNumber" must appear under [UDI-Magic] section
;;The lines starting with ;; are comments and will be ignored

2) In case, if macros are used, the Columns AA to BZ are used for internal calculations. Hence, you must specify Columns other than those.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slow speed in uploading of Masters

This is further to my post dt: 27th August, 2009 (Slow uploading of data into Tally ERP 9)

It appears that the said issue has still NOT been resolved by Tally Solutions, Bangalore even after almost a year .

UDIMagic users facing the Slow speed problem are requested to follow the instructions given in my earlier post titled Slow uploading of data into Tally ERP 9 to resolve the issue.

Purchase Order sample format

Here's a sample Excel sheet format for transferring Purchase Orders from Excel into Tally.

The above sample uses "Macro-file". Refer this link for using macros with UDI-Magic.

For other Excel sheet formats, visit

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


UDIMagic v3.0 Release 2.3 supports the following new tags :-


This tag is used to deleted the record, if it exists in Tally

Example :-


This tag is used to upload a cancelled record into Tally.

Example :-

The above two tags are to be used in the tag as shown below :-


<ISCANCELLED FORMULA="....some formula......">


Friday, April 9, 2010

Swarnim Gujarat - Special Offer for UDIMagic

Shweta Softwares is pleased to offer a discount of 25% on all purchases of UDIMagic (all versions) from 9th April, 2010 to 1st May, 2010 on the occasion of Swarnim Gujarat (1960 to 2010)

For more details on Swarnim Gujarat, please visit

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

UDIMagic Standard version - Packs

UDIMagic Standard version is now available in two packs :-

1) Value Pack
This includes standard Excel sheet formats and XML tags for two (2 nos) customized formats as per Customer requirement.

2) Normal Pack
This includes standard Excel sheet formats only. Extra charges are to be paid for XML tags for customized Excel sheet formats as per Customer requirement.

For cost details, please visit

For standard Excel sheet formats, visit

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Updating existing Masters data

You can use UDIMagic to update existing Master records in Tally including updation of User-defined Fields (created using TDL).

Assuming, you already have StockItem Masters data in your Tally Company. You have now created a new field (say MyField1) in Tally (StockItem Master) and want to populate this field the data that you have in MS-Excel.

Sample XML tags for UDIMagic:-


<!-- Specify the Column which contains the StockItem Name or PartNo -->

<!-- Column B contains the data that is to be populated into the User-defined field MyField1 -->