
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

udiMagic v12 Release 2.5

udiMagic v12 r2.5

The following changes have been done in the templates:

1. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls 
a. Added column for: IRN QRCODE

2. Vouchers-V12-Financial-Transactions-Advanced.xl
a. Added columns for Buyer details

3. Vouchers-V11-Receipts-and-Payments-with-multiple-references.xls 
a. Added Columns for 5 more ledgers

4. Master-GSTClassification.xls 
a. Compatibility with Tally Prime 3.0

5. Master-StockGroupMaster.xls 
a. Compatibility with Tally Prime 3.0

6. Master-LedgerMaster.xls 
a. Added details for MSME for compatibility with Tally Prime 4.1

7. Master-StockItemMaster.xls 
a. Conditionally set the value of tag SRCOFGSTDETAILS based on value in Column AX.


1. Vouchers-V12-Sales-Purchase-With-Stockitems-Advanced.xls 

a. GSTOVRDNASSESSABLEVALUE amount is incorrect when there are multiple items of the same tax-slab. This has been now fixed.

b. When there are no items, the grouping of Sales/Purchase ledger is now done based on:
    Ledger name (CB) + Tax (DI or DK)

c. If NARRATION or PARTADDRESSTYPE is removed from Excel sheet and data is reimported, the earlier value still remains in Tally. This has been fixed now.

d. Sales entries (without Stockitems) having DISCOUNT do NOT appear correctly in GST Reports. This issue has been fixed.

e. TCS ledger effect does NOT appear correctly in case of Credit Note. This has been fixed now.

2. Vouchers-V11-Financial-Transactions-Single-line-entry-Advanced.xls

The COSTCATEGORY is to be taken from K# instead of J#. This has been fixed now.

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