
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Working with Multi-Currency in Tally

Importing FOREX entries in Tally

Some excel templates provided with udiMagic software contain a column to specify the CURRENCY. Here's how you can use these templates for importing FOREX as well as BASE currency transactions in Tally ERP.

1. Keep the CURRENCY column blank, if you want to upload a voucher in base currency.
2. For FOREX entries, specify the CURRENCY name or symbol in the currency column. Please note that the there must be NO space in the Currency symbol.

Valid Currency Symbol : USD
Invalid Currency Symbol : US Dollar

Important Note
1. The symbol "US Dollar" has a space and hence is invalid.
2. It is advised that you manually create the Currencies in Tally ERP before importing the FOREX entries.
3. The Currency Symbol must be ASCII character(s). Example: Don't use the Indian Rupee symbol which is a Unicode symbol; instead use "INR" or "Rs" as the Currency Symbol.
4. Tally ERP does NOT allow spaces in the Currency Symbol.

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