
Friday, May 9, 2014

MySQL - Couldn't open database

Couldn't open database - Error appears while connecting to MySQL

While using UDIMagic to transfer MySQL data into Tally, if you get the aforesaid error, you must follow the underneath steps :

1. You must create a new user in MySQL using the following command :
create user 'udimagic'@'localhost';

2. Set the password for the User created above :
set password for 'udimagic'@'localhost' = old_password('udimagic2');

3. Grant access to the user for your database (assuming the database name is tally) :
grant all on tally.* to 'udimagic'@'localhost'

Next, in the UDIMagic Software select :

>> Advanced Usage
>> Database type = "MySQL"
>> Next, click on the "Settings" button and specify the user-name and pwd as follows :
user-name = udimagic
pwd = udimagic2
>> Next, click the "Test Server connection" button to connect to MySQL database.

No cash or bank ledger specified - Error in Tally

Applies to : Tally ERP 9

Steps to Reproduce the error

(1) Create a group named "My Bank Accounts" under Primary; Nature Of Group: Liabilities
(2) Next, create a ledger named "Axis" under the group "My Bank Accounts"
(3) Next, create a payment voucher as show below :

Rs 500-Dr-------Petrol Expenses
Rs 500-Cr-------Axis

Tally does not allow you to save the payment voucher and a message "No cash or bank ledger credited" is displayed.

(4) Next, change / modify the ledger named "Axis" and set its parent / group as "Bank Accounts"
(5) Again, try creating a payment voucher as mentioned in point 3.

Still, you are not allowed to save the payment voucher and the same error message is displayed. This happens inspite of fact that we had modified the ledger "Axis" with correct group.

Solution suggested by Tally Solutions, Bangalore

In Gateway of Tally, press Ctrl+Alt+R. Select your Company and re-write the data. After this, the payment voucher can be entered/posted.