
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Import Customers and Suppliers Masters from Excel into Tally

UDIMagic || Excel to Tally

Here's a sample Excel-sheet that contains Customer and Supplier Ledger Masters. Follow these steps to import the Excel-sheet data into Tally Software.

1) Download and unzip the files into "c:\udi-magic" folder.
2) Start the Tally software and create/open a Dummy Company.
3) Minimize Tally Software
4) Run UDIMagic utility, select option "Excel to Tally -> Master".
5) Next, select the Excel sheet and the XML-tags file when prompted. Note that the XML-tags file is to be selected in the same screen in which you are prompted to select the Excel-sheet.
6) Next, follow the instructions given in the wizard-screen to import data into Tally.

The XML tags are provided in a separate file. While importing data into Tally using UDIMagic, you must select the XML tags file also in the same screen wherein you are prompted to select the Excel Sheet.

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